Privacy Policy

Real Happiness Meditation School is committed to safeguarding your privacy as an online visitor to our website. We use the information we collect about you to maximize the services that we provide to you. It is important that you feel completely comfortable and confident that your personal information is in safe hands. We respect the privacy and confidentiality of the information provided by you and adhere to the Indian Privacy Principles.

In the application and other forms, we only ask for general information, if you do not want to give that information, you can directly email to school or give details on a secured call.


  • 1. All information we receive from our customers is protected by our secure server. secure server software encrypts all customer information before it is sent to us. Furthermore, all customer data collected is secured against unauthorized use or access.
  • 2. It is important that you feel completely comfortable and confident that your personal information is in safe hands. Real Happiness Meditation School is committed to protecting your privacy extremely seriously and takes all reasonable steps to ensure your information is secure.
  • 3. The use of your personal information, why we collect it and what we save varies depending on how you interact with us, what consent you have given us and what the situation is. We have done our best to indicate this throughout the statement. There may be other privacy policies that apply to certain services we provide. We will make these explicit when they apply. Please read them before you subscribe to such services.

What information do we collect?

  • Any personal details you may choose to give us, such as your name, age, or address. We save this so we can keep in touch with you.
  • We may use your images and videos captured during the course for uploading on our website or social media sites. In case, you have any issue regarding this then please inform us in the beginning.
  • Any physical or mental health information that you may have given us. This is so we can fully and fairly administer your application and accommodate any specific needs you may have when participating in a residential-based program.

Why we collect information?

Whenever you interact or communicate with us, we collect information. This information allows us to function and become more efficient. Some examples may include:

  • Processing training course applications. Your information allows us to communicate with you and assess your suitability for the course.
  • Continuously improving, we value any feedback, including customer satisfaction surveys or complaints you may have. In order to improve our services and products that we provide to you and others, we need to communicate with you and collect information.
  • We would like to use the details you provide us to communicate with you about any news we have, new courses, retreats, workshops, and classes. We do not normally ask for consent to contact you if you are a student or teacher because we have a legitimate interest to communicate with you, provided of course that this does not breach your fundamental rights.

Where we collect information from?

Examples may include:

  • From you directly, for example, when you fill out one of our applications.
  • From external sources, for example, when you interact with us on social media.
  • From our website, when you visit. For example, we use software such as Google Analytics to identify which pages on our website are visited most. This information is collected automatically. It does not contain any personal or sensitive information, so browsing is anonymous.

How long we keep your information?

We keep information for different lengths of time dependent on the purpose. For example, we would like to keep student & teacher information beyond the length of a course so we can keep in touch about our ongoing courses, workshops, classes, and retreat and continue our relationship together and give teachers the opportunity to grow within the community.

We want to ensure that the information we collect from you is used to appropriately support our work together and considers any future dealings that you would like to have with us. For example, many people ask to receive references for their teaching. In these cases it is important we have the correct information on file. You can contact us at any time to ask us to remove or amend your information.

How your information is secure?

The security of your information is of utmost importance to us. We seek to use reasonable measures to protect your information as required by the law, in line with industry standards and in accordance with the policies Real Happiness School has set. Sensitive data is held under strict security conditions. If you have any reason to believe that any personal information we hold is no longer secure, please contact us immediately.

Further information

The laws that say how your personal information can be used are:

  • The Data Protection Act 1998
  • The Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003
  • The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

You can also contact the Information Commissioner’s Office to find out more about types of personal information, its usage and your rights, or to report a concern.

Managing your communications from us

You have the right to know what personal information we have about you, to make changes to how you hear from us, and to ask us to stop processing or to remove your personal information. You also have the right to ask for a copy of the information we have.